Contact Info

Acorn Growth Companies

621 N Robinson, Suite 550

Oklahoma City, OK 73102


News & Announcements
  • Roth vs Traditional 401(k): Which is best for me?

    To offer you the most flexibility with your money, the company offers you two ways to contribute to your 401(k) Savings Plan – pre-tax and post-tax.  Read More

  • Hidden Causes of Fatigue

    Do you find yourself thinking, “Why am I so tired”? Besides the obvious answer of not sleeping enough, what else could be the culprit? To help you zero in on why the yawns just won’t stop, here are hidden causes of fatigue.  Read More

  • The Ergonomics of Sitting

    If you’re like many people, you spent countless hours seated at your desk and you may be suffering with aches and pains due to poor posture. Bad sitting habits, such as slouching or crossing your legs, can have a detrimental impact on the health of your spine. Fortunately, these bad habits can be corrected.  Read More

The information included in this portal is a high-level summary of common benefits. For more details about your plans, please refer to your Plan Document, Summary Plan Description or Certificate of Insurance Coverage. The information in those formal plan documents governs.

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